Cavallino Alato | Italian cuisine restaurant, Osimo - Menu

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“In continuous search for the greatest expression of Taste, Simplicity”

Designed by Chef Michele Antonelli

“Winner of the Italian final of the S. Pellegrino young chef academy 2023”

Service and Cover Charge €4

“Information regarding the presence of substances or products that cause allergies or intolerances is available by contacting the staff on duty ''

The fish intended to be consumed raw or practically raw has been subjected to preventive reclamation treatment in compliance with the requirements of EC Regulation 853/2004, annex III, section VIII, chapter 3, letter D, point 3."

1. Cereals containing gluten, namely: wheat, rye, barley, oats, spelt, kamut or their hybridized strains and derived products, except:

  • a) wheat-based glucose syrups, including dextrose (1);
  • b) wheat-based maltodextrins (1);
  • c) barley-based glucose syrups;
  • d) cereals used for the manufacture of alcoholic distillates, including ethyl alcohol of agricultural origin.

2. Shellfish and shellfish-based products.

3. Eggs and egg products.

4. Fish and fish products, except:

  • a) fish gelatine used as a support for vitamin or carotenoid preparations;
  • b) gelatin or isinglass used as a clarifying agent in beer and wine.

5. Peanuts and peanut products.

6. Soy and soy products, except:

  • a) refined soybean oil and fat (*);
  • b) natural mixed tocopherols (E306), natural D-alpha tocopherol, natural D-alpha tocopherol acetate, natural D-alpha tocopherol succinate based on soya;
  • c) vegetable oils derived from soy-based phytosterols and phytosterol esters;
  • d) vegetable stanol ester produced from soy-based vegetable oil sterols.

7. Milk and milk-based products (including lactose), except:

  • a) whey used for the manufacture of alcoholic distillates, including ethyl alcohol of agricultural origin;
  • b) lactiol.

8. Nuts, namely: almonds (Amygdalus communis L.), hazelnuts (Corylus avellana), walnuts (Juglans regia), cashew nuts (Anacardium Occidentale), pecan nuts [Carya illinoinensis (Wangenh.) K. Koch] , Brazil nuts (Bertholletia excelsa), pistachios (Pistacia vera), macadamia nuts or Queensland nuts (Macadamia ternifolia), and products thereof, except nuts used for the manufacture of alcoholic distillates, including ethyl alcohol agricultural origin.

9. Celery and celery-based products.

10. Mustard and mustard-based products.

11. Sesame seeds and sesame seed products.

12. Sulfur dioxide and sulphites in concentrations greater than 10 mg/kg or 10 mg/litre in terms of total SO 2 to be calculated for the products as proposed ready for consumption or reconstituted in accordance with the manufacturers’ instructions.

13. Lupines and lupine products.

14. Shellfish and shellfish products. (1) And derived products, to the extent that the transformation they have undergone is not likely to increase the level of allergenicity assessed by the Authority for the basic product from which they are derived.

(*) and derivative products, to the extent that the
transformation they have undergone is not
capable of raising the level of
allergenicity assessed by the authority for
basic product from which they are derived.
Some fresh products of animal origin,
as well as fishery products
administered raw or practically raw.

The Other Tasting Menu

This means, possibly, for the entire table

Artichoke and calamari


Fried catch of the day and tempura vegetables, burnt blood orange and basil chutney


Soft pappardelle with Colfiorito potatoes and Anconetana stockfish sauce


Turbot.... in broth


Lemon and basil sorbet


Tarte au citron


EUR 80

Pairing with the glass

4 glasses selected by sommelier Matteo Magnapane

EUR 50

Large Tasting Menu

This means, possibly, for the entire table

“Gratinated” barzotta oyster, shiso, herbs and oyster emulsion


Raw Adriatic prawn, coral mayonnaise, preserved lemon, cumin


Artichokes and calamari


Pennone creamed with Adriatic "bouillabaisse", amberjack, spring onion and lemongrass oil


“Marine” tagliolini with Adriatic molluscs and confit date tomatoes


The goose that laid the golden eggs... is left broke!


Roasted amberjack, daikon tatin, horseradish, Vermouth sauce


Pigeon & fennel raguse, found herbs


Eclair, white chocolate, raspberry and pistachio

EUR 130

Pairing with the glass

4 glasses selected by sommelier Matteo Magnapane

EUR 45

The others... Tasting menu

This means, possibly, for the entire table

Let yourself be inspired by our chefs

3 sweeter free-hand courses

EUR 60

2 sweeter free-hand courses

EUR 40